The use of jewelry as a fashionable complement to one's general outlook has been in vogue since time immemorial. But beyond fashion, there are groups that attach much more significance to jewelry; these groups give a deeper [and profoundly spiritual] meaning to several precious stone-plated articles that are sometimes used in religious celebrations. An obvious example is the use (of jewelry) by some Christian denominations and/or individuals. Jewelry could mean different things to a Christian based on the symbol that...
To a Christian, the cross is an essential article of faith that is often upheld with a great level of spirituality. This could have been the reason why several kinds of jewelry [with the symbol of a cross] are being designed for use as accessories as well as insignia that tell [the world] of the wearer's faith. Some of the different cross designs [with religious undertone] that have been in circulation include: Byzantine Cross The inspiration behind the Byzantine cross...
One observable trend in Christian wedding, is the significance placed on rings as a seal of matrimonial vow between the man and his wife- certain Christian denominations use these rings in the solemnization of the union. After the wedding, the couple wears a ring apiece in order to signify their 'married' status. The rings are usually fabricated from a variety of precious stones [like diamond to silver, gold, platinum and so on. Looking down the annals of history, the use...